Entries by krissygallagher


The Wrong Side of the Window

My mom liked when I used that phrase the other day and suggested it might be a good title for the book (whenever I get around to reconfiguring it). It does seem to be fitting. A little too fitting, if you ask me. We went in this morning for platelets, thinking we’d be there for […]


No Answer

I completely acknowledge the fact that my weeds in the garden analogy fails to even attempt to answer Austin’s primary question: Why do children get cancer? I have no answer for that one, other than the unsatisfying response I give Braedan every time he asks it: Bad luck. “Bad luck” is simply the best I can […]



I’m taking a much-needed break after several hours of hard digging in my yard, so I figured I’d tell you about the conversation I had with the boys last night. The three of us were lying in bed in the dark, having just finished our bedtime stories (the very best time for talking), when Austin […]


Making the Most…

… of every moment. That’s pretty much how Austin lives his life. We checked in yesterday morning, after a quick trip to the out-patient clinic to verify that his platelets were indeed high enough for chemo. Everything has gone smoothly and we expect to be released shortly after lunch tomorrow. (I probably shouldn’t even say […]


Two Mothers

Mark and I went to the Rainbow Babies & Children’s Gala this past Saturday and while we were there, I bumped into a mother I had met on the floor during Austin’s first round of cancer. Her daughter also had Wilms but was diagnosed at a much older age, which is unusual for this disease […]


Call to Action, Part 2

I have some answers to the what-can-I-do-to-help question and this time not one of them involves going bald! First, and this one is relatively easy no matter where you live, give blood. Austin has been using up his fair share from the blood bank lately so it seems like we ought to refill the coffers […]


Radiating joy

It’s not all doom and gloom around here, folks. We’ve had a great week. Austin went to school every day (well, his school is only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but it’s been a while since he’s done even that “full week”). And not a tear out of him. Only many many smiles. Especially on Wednesday […]



I know, you’ve been waiting for some big revelation or major announcement after yesterday’s meeting. Well, we’re mulling, with no decision yet. Although I will tell you that both of us walked in there leaning towards stopping chemo and both of us walked out leaning towards continuing. It’s not what we want, of course. More […]


Around the Bend

Surprise, surprise, Austin needed platelets again today. But until after a lovely morning at school. He didn’t even cry when I left him, which is a rarity. It’s been a struggle to fully acclimate him to preschool since every time he gets into a groove there, he’s pulled out again for a three week “vacation.” […]