
When I was in eight grade, we had an assembly and, while I can’t remember what on earth it was about, I do know that the man up on stage opened up by asking us our definition of success: What does it mean to be successful? I quickly rose my hand and offered my answer: […]

Where Were You?

Where were you? For me, it was completely random. I was in a place I had never been before and would never be again. But one that is forever seared into my memory. A few weeks into my one and only year teaching middle school in Cleveland Municipal, I had a two day in-service for […]

Chiming In

I’ve been asked to chime in with my thoughts on the whole Tiger Mother debate. Of course, the entire thing has been commented on by thousands and thousands, but you know I have an opinion, so here goes. First of all, we simply must accept the fact that everyone has the right to parent in their […]


Austin has a Witness t-shirt. Long-sleeved, black with the Nike swoosh and those stark white capital letters. He’ll keep wearing it. He’s a witness after all. As are we all. I’ve witnessed greatness and heroism and bravery many times over. Every time a teacher stays late to help that struggling child. Every time a nurse […]

September 11, 2007

On this day, I know every one of us thinks back to where we were on that morning eight years ago; what we were doing, how we learned the news, who we called first. Everyone has their 9/11 story, just like everyone of older generations has their Pearl Harbor story or their JFK assassination story. […]

Favoring life

Thank you for the many words of encouragement following my last two postings. I have heard from many of you who appreciate the honesty with which I present my views. I am certain I have lost some of my old Carepage readers, people who may have followed Austin’s story from the beginning, and wished and hoped […]

Whore vs Madonna

Let me be unequivocal about the fact that I believe any woman should be able to choose abortion for any reason whatsoever. I certainly did not intend for yesterday’s post to imply that some women are more “deserving” or at least less condemnable than others for making make this choice. We do not need to divide women into […]

Honoring George

I didn’t know George Tiller, but I know quite a few people who did. And they speak of him with nothing but the greatest respect and admiration. George Tiller, for those of you who haven’t seen a newspaper this week, is the abortion provider who was shot and killed on Sunday in his Kansas church by a […]

I Was There

For The Rest of My Days My husband Mark and I left a cold and snowy Cleveland on Sunday morning to fly to Washington DC, our first solo trip since the birth, cancer diagnosis, near death and remarkable recovery of our second son, Austin. Once on the plane, it was clear that we were a […]