No results yet from today’s test but have a timely post to share nonetheless.

Parenting is full of big moments, both good and bad. Significant decisions, momentous occasions, important milestones. But sometimes it is the little moments, those small joys of parenting, that mean the most.

Snuggling in a thunderstorm, like we did last night, is one of my great joys of motherhood. The young child is awakened by the boom of thunder, cries out in the darkness wondering what just happened, immediately calmed by your presence at the door. What starts out as scary morphs into a middle-of-the-night adventure with Austin snug between us watching for flashes of lightening out the window, a grand fireworks display in the night sky. As you start to doze off, another clap jolts you back awake, little fingers gripping yours, small heart beating against your chest. Finally the rumbling gets more distant and the pause between lightening strikes grows, grows, grows until they are no more. And that small body nuzzles in so close, warm breath on your neck, drifting back to sleep.

Nothing can get to us here. Cancer is but an idea. Kidney failure insignificant. We are together in that big bed and we are safe.

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